Problems Completing the Course

List of Questions

  1. I'm stuck on a module/section/page, it won't let me progress to the next one.
  2. Where can I find/download the resources/PDFs mentioned in the training video/presentation?
  3. I have another technical issue/problem that is not listed.

Questions and Answers

1. I'm stuck on a module/section/page, it won't let me progress to the next one.

Training modules open in a new window. This window will need to be closed before you can progress to the next module. If you minimize the screen, you'll notice that the training webpage is still open in the background. The images below show how the training module window (highlighted in yellow) can be minimized to reveal the training webpage still open in the background.

When you reach the end of a module (i.e. you have finished all the sections and are unable to click the "next" button), click the "X" in the top right corner of the training module window. Your progress is automatically saved at all times, you can exit the module whenever you need to. If you do not see the "X", click anywhere on the screen and then press the "Esc" button on your keyboard.

The training module window will close and should reveal the main training website that was still open in the background. From here, you can finish progressing through the course's section until you reach the Congratulations page. Click on "Return to Dashboard" to continue to the remaining modules in the course.

2. Where can I find/download the resources/PDFs mentioned in the training video/presentation?

After completing a training module, close the training module window to return to the main training website (see #1 above). Click on the section that says "Module # Resources".

3. I have another technical issue/problem that is not listed.

Unfortunately, other technical issues sometimes occur due to different browser settings. Try the following steps to resolve the issue:
1. Exit out of your internet browser. Your progress in the course is automatically saved so you can exit at any time.
2. Reopen your internet browser and navigate back to the website. If you are not automatically signed in, log in again by clicking on the "Sign In" button in the top right corner.
3. Click on the "Dashboard" button in the top right hand corner and resume your course where you left off.

If the issue is not resolved, try the steps above again, this time using a different internet browser if it is available to you (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

If the issue is still not resolved, contact us at