Questions related to Quality Installation of Air Source Heat Pump and Forced Air Furnace Retrofits in BC Homes:
Related to Quality Installation of Air Source Heat Pump and Forced Air Furnace Retrofits in BC Homes:
1. How do I sign-up for the training?
Watch this video (and/or read this PDF) for additional instructions on how to enroll in the HVAC Training (Quality Installation of Forced Air Furnace and Air Source Heat Pump Retrofits in BC Homes).
2. I tried logging in to the Quality Installation of Forced Air Furnace and Air Source Heat Pump Retrofits in BC Homes course and it's not working. What's the problem?
First, make sure you have followed the proper steps for signing up for the training. The course is hosted on a separate website from the rest of the HPCN content so you must create a new account. This log in is NOT the same one you use for the HPCN Portal. Follow the instructions in #1 above.
If you followed the instructions in #1 above and are still experiencing problems, check that all of the steps in the instructions showed up for you. For example, when you created your account did a pop-up window open to ask you to confirm your location? If not, this means your internet browser's pop-up blocker is preventing you from completing the account set-up. Turn off your pop-up blocker for this website to continue with the account set-up process. Here is an article on how to turn off your pop-up blocker for certain websites that might be helpful.
3. How do I save my progress in the training?
Your progress is automatically saved as you progress through the training. You can simply exit your internet browser and the next time you return to the training, you can continue where you left off.
4. How do I return to the training another day?
5. I'm stuck on a module/section/page, it won't let me progress to the next one.
There could be a few reasons why this is happening. Please try these troubleshooting steps before contacting us for further support.
A) Exit the Training Window
Some of the training modules open in a new window. This window will need to be closed before you can progress to the next module. If you minimize the screen, you'll notice that the training webpage is still open in the background. The images below show how the training module window (highlighted in yellow) can be minimized to reveal the training webpage still open in the background.
When you reach the end of a module (i.e. you have finished all the sections and are unable to click the "next" button), click the "Save and exit" button in the top right corner of the training module window.
The training module window will close and should reveal the main training website that was still open in the background. From here, you can finish progressing through the course by clicking on "Next Module" in the right hand corner until you reach the wrap-up page. Click on "Return to Dashboard" to continue to the remaining modules in the course.
B) Watch Videos to the Very End
Another reason for a "stuck" module, is if any of the videos are not watched completely to the end. Check that each step in the "Course Description" box on the left-hand side has either a check mark or red "X" next to it. If any are blank, revisit the step and make sure you watch the video to the very end.
C) Assignment Feedback
If your module contains an assignment, such as Module 4 step 27 (Airflow Assignment), you must click on the "Feedback" tab in order to mark this step as complete. This could cause the Module to be "stuck".
D) Accidentally Enrolled Twice
If you accidentally enrolled in the Learning Pathway more than once, this can sometimes cause issues with the modules. To check which Learning Pathways (and how many) you are enrolled in, from the "Dashboard", click on "Learning Paths". Check if there is just one listing of Quality Installation of Air Source Heat Pump and Forced Air Furnace Retrofits in BC Homes). If there two listing of this pathway, this may be causing the issue and the HPSC will need to fix it. Contact for support.
6. Where can I find/download my certificate? (HVAC course)
Visit, log in to your account, and click the dashboard button in the top right corner.
From the dashboard page, click on "Learning Paths".
Under the HVAC course name, click on the button that says "Certificate".
7. Where can I find/download the resources/PDFs mentioned in the training video/presentation?
After completing a training module, close the training module window to return to the main training website (see #1 above). Click on the section that says "Module # Resources".
8. I have another technical issue/problem that is not listed.
Unfortunately, other technical issues sometimes occur due to different browser settings. Try the following steps to resolve the issue:
1. Exit out of your internet browser. Your progress in the course is automatically saved so you can exit at any time.
2. Reopen your internet browser and navigate back to the website. If you are not automatically signed in, log in again by clicking on the "Sign In" button in the top right corner.
3. Click on the "Dashboard" button in the top right hand corner and resume your course where you left off.
If the issue is not resolved, try the steps above again, this time using a different internet browser if it is available to you (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
If the issue is still not resolved, contact us at
9. I have questions about the course exam.
View the exam FAQs here.