Similarly, the reasons for low demand for quality trained professionals to deliver home performance solutions are multifaceted and are strongly linked to the lack of understanding of what constitutes a quality project and how to distinguish between a low-quality contractor and a true professional. Homeowners often make their home renovation decisions around cosmetic or functional upgrades, with little thought to energy efficiency, envelope upgrades, or building science issues. Educating them regarding efficiency options, performance improvements, the need to comply with regulations, potential for hazardous materials, and basic building science at this point is extremely challenging. There is also lack of consumer awareness about the wide range of variability in the training of professionals and quality of installations and potentially a consumer assumption that most contractors already provide quality installations. Many consumers don't understand what is required for a quality job and don't appreciate the value.
Homeowners face conflicts between their wants, needs, and available budget. They don't want to pay more for home performance measures because they often cannot be seen and so there is a sense that everything must be fine.
Homeowners do not understand that cost-effective home performance upgrades can improve affordability due to lower operating costs. Media outlets and online sources can be a primary source of information for homeowners planning a renovation. These programs often set unrealistic cost expectations, leading consumers to choose a lowest cost proposal. And, they may over-simplify the renovation process, leading to people believing that they can do it themselves or that they don't need skilled labour to do the job. Too often homeowners select contractors based on low cost rather than value and quality.
Homeowners typically have little understanding of the applicable regulations and what is required in order to comply. There is nowhere for the homeowner to go for real, unbiased advice that is trustworthy, clear and relevant. The existence of multiple short-term home performance programs and government objectives and targets in the marketplace is confusing.