Develop an initial Contractor Accreditation for utility/ government programs that extends across each of the key home performance sectors. This effort would build on the current efforts of the Program Registered Contractor (PRC) designation to encompass additional home performance sectors with immediate focus on HVAC, Renovator, Insulator, Energy Advisor, and Fenestration sectors. The opportunity for HPSC would be to support government/utility objectives with industry input for enhanced program design and implementation. HPSC would harness the key learning, experiences (positive and constructive) and unintended consequences from the PRC initiative with Energy Advisor and Insulation industry sectors to inform potential refinements for a Contractor Accreditation (Phase 1). This initiative would focus on training, industry value proposition, prerequisites, terms & conditions, code of conduct, registration, documentation and other aspects towards building a substantive Contractor Accreditation offering/solution.
Design Phase - Considerations:
- Determine key criteria and requirements for contractor accreditation with each of the sectors.
- Business/individual prerequisites
- Alignment and integration with industry specific accreditations
- Terms and conditions of accreditation
- Accreditation management and alignment for inside/outside utility and government program frameworks
- Review successes/challenges and gaps in Program Registered Contractor (PRC).
- Value proposition for contractors
- Induction program and training
- Market penetration and scalability
- Develop strategy for staged voluntary/mandatory adoption requirements within government/utility energy-efficiency programs.
- Develop strategy for longer-term accreditation structure that would exist and be valued by consumers and industry independently of energy- efficiency programs, including ongoing management of the accreditation program.
- Determine implementation plan that covers contractor recruitment, training, ongoing professional development, scalability for market coverage, etc.