Home Performance Training

Evaluate and determine the requirements and implementation plan for home performance training and/or industry certification in Canada. Currently, there is no established training program and certification that covers the comprehensive home performance curriculum and training focused on health and safety, building analyst and envelope/heating specializations. Initial options for home performance training may include but not be limited to the options of developing a "Made in BC" training program, bringing together and expanding existing industry association training, or adopting a program from the Building Performance Institute.

The US-based Building Performance Institute (www.bpi.org) leads the standards development and certifying body for personnel credentials related to home performance and there might be potential opportunities to extend this BPI accreditation into Canada.

Design Phase - Considerations:

  • Determine training requirements for contractors and trades.
  • Assess training available and conduct a gap analysis.
  • Develop training needed to address the training gaps.
  • Establish training providers.
  • Ensure that there is a viable value proposition for those requiring the training.