Quality Assurance / Inspections

Utilities have started the process of "program compliance evaluations" for insulation and furnace retrofits in their DSM programs. The program compliance evaluation structure including developing prescriptive requirements for installations that guide evaluation of installation performance is informing future direction of inspections. In particular, the experience of the HVAC industry engagement and input into the prescriptive requirements of furnaces in FortisBC's "2017 Furnace & Boiler Rebate Program" provides a development model for progress in collaboration with industry on a quality assurance/ inspection model. Further industry input is required to inform extension of prescriptive requirements with program compliance evaluations for other home performance solutions (e.g. heat pumps, boilers, insulation, air sealing, windows, etc.). The home performance industry will need to develop a regime for more permanent, comprehensive, and self-sustaining inspections beyond those that are program related.

Design Phase - Considerations:

  • Develop a list of equipment/situations where new equipment and/or installation standards are needed.
  • Assess currently available standards for equipment and installations.
  • Develop any additional standards required.
  • Assess the need for inspections beyond those currently being carried out.
  • Specify additional inspections required and develop protocols for them.
  • Determine who is best to carry out the additional inspections and how they would be funded.