Contractors (companies or independent contractors) that are active members, in good standing, in the Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN) may use the HPCN logo (otherwise referred to as a "badge") according to the terms of use described here.
By maintaining membership in the HPCN, contractors agree that at any time, if they are no longer a member of the HPCN for any reason, they will immediately cease the display of any digital or printed copies of the badge or marketing materials where the badge appears.
The badge may not be used to promote aspects of the contractor's business unrelated to the network. For example, services that the contractors is not qualified for under the HPCN criteria or services not included in the scope of the HPCN qualifications.
The Contractor may not provide any third party with any right to use the HPCN badge in any manner.
Logo/badge Use
The approved badge may be used by active contractors in the HPCN in the following ways only. If you are uncertain if your planned use is permitted, contact the HPSC at
Digital/electronic materials: The HPCN badge may be used on your digital/electronic marketing materials according to the guidelines in this document.
Print/physical materials: You must receive written permission from the HPSC prior to printing/ordering any print/physical materials with the HPCN badge. Send a copy of your proof to for pre-approval.
Radio: It is strongly recommended that you provide a draft script to the HPCN for review before scheduling your radio ad.
The HPCN badge must never be used on a standalone basis; i.e., if used by the contractor, it must be used adjacent to the contractors' own logo or on a website that is clearly branded with the contractors' logo.
The HPCN badge must be sized in proportion to the contractors' logo or if other partner/qualification logos are present it must be sized to the same proportions.
The badge may not be cropped, reversed, or otherwise edited. The badge may be resized appropriately as needed with the ratio aspect locked (i.e., do not stretch or compress the image).
The HPCN has multiple program partners but membership in the HPCN does not constitute affiliation with the HPCN program partners. Therefore, while you may refer to the program partners by name when listing the rebate programs to which you are eligible to provide services, you must not otherwise use the program partners' names. You also must not use the program partners' logos or otherwise imply that they support or endorse your company.
When adding the logo to your website, you may use approved language alongside the logo.
The appropriate version of the badge must be used according to the background colour of your marketing material. Read the instructions for use in the table below and download files for your use.
For use on white or very light backgrounds. This should always be the first choice for the badge.
The minimum size that the HPCN badge can be used in colour is ~96 pixels (px) or 1 inch in diameter. Any smaller and it should appear in the solid black.
The minimum size for the colour badge is ~96 px (or 1 inch) diameter.
Use the black or white badge when the size is smaller than ~96 px (or 1 inch) diameter.
The space around the badge should be at least equal to the width of the house in the centre, illustrated by the red markers in the example below.
Examples of Correct and Incorrect Badge Use
The HPCN badge must be sized in proportion to the contractors' logo or if other partner/qualification logos are present it must be sized to the same proportions.The space around the badge should be at least equal to the width of the house in the centre. The badge may not be cropped, reversed, or otherwise edited. The badge may be resized appropriately as needed with the ratio aspect locked (i.e., do not stretch or compress the image).The solid black and full colour badges are for use on white or very light backgrounds only.
Not sure if your proposed design is acceptable? Email the proof to