Second Progression: Chamber Hold


Once you're able to hold the support press for 20 seconds, you can begin the transition to practicing with your top hand positioned directly above your bottom hand.

As the leverage here becomes significantly more difficult, we'll be elevating the hips above the shoulders and bending both legs to compensate. Changing the angle and shortening the length of your body will allow you to get a feel for holding yourself sideways against a vertical pole without having to overcome your entire body weight.

  1. Grasp the pole as described earlier, then jump and kick your legs to lift your hips in the air. It's helpful to aim to overshoot the kick up when starting out, as it's higher than it often seems.
  2. Press into the pole with your bottom arm while simultaneously pulling from your top arm, keeping your knees tucked close to your body.
  3. Hold this position for time, keeping both arms fully extended. Remember that your hips should remain just above shoulder height.