1. Welcome
title: Paid Marketing 1. Welcome
#About Sal
#About this course
##Content marketing
##Paid advertising
##Getting into community
#Customer decision journey
##Customer awareness and attention
##What triggers a purchase
##Moving from awareness to on going relationship with the
customers in our periphery
2. Understanding the audience
3. Testing - no changes
4. Targeting
titlle: Targeting
# Generally, we could see more women than men as fans.
## This allowed them to target more effectively
# Targeting gives
## Higher conversion rate
## More successful
## Cheaper
# There's more than that
## Targeting on:
### Likes
### Ddifferent types of behavoiur
## Ccreating social proof
#Googling best
title: More than likes
# Facebook marketing isn't about getting likes, it's about
## Likes are a secondary benefit
### Facebook gives you loads of ways to collect insights on
* Like/share buttons on your web pages
* Facebook login
* Running your own page
###Let's you understand who they are and how to get to more
* other likes
6. Tuning - no changes
7. Metrics:
title: metrics
# Tying Paid Advertsing back to your overall marketing
# Awareness only
##FB offers full conversion
## CPC - Cost per click
## CAC - Cost per acquisition
# Full conversion
###Exercise: work out the bounds.
* Go back to your kickstarter campaign where you determined
how much traffic they needed
* Let's stay you have a £1000 advertising budget. What does
your CAC and CPC have to be to make it worth doing?
* Bonus. Create yourself a Facebook page, and start an ad for
it. Try targeting different people that are relevant to the
kickstarter campaign.Look at how the recommended CPC cost changes
accordingly. See if you can get that number within the bounds you
calculated. Can you find a way to target where you'd bring enough
traffic to the Kickstarter page?
8. Outro
title: Outro
# Paid advertisement channels allow us to target
# We need to test
## Research what other advertisers do
## Analyse that people engage in
## Target based on testing
## Get more inside
# Two types of tuning
## Focus on creative - text, images, etc.
## Targeting
# We get feedback over time for the best combination
# Understand - go qualitative
## engaging on personal level
## read comments
# Two types of measuring
## CPC
## CAC