With work social technology, a company can rally its resources and ensure smooth operations during even the most trying times. Take Crawford & Co, the world's largest independent provider of insurance claims management solutions. It has an expansive global network serving clients in more than 70 countries, and is the leading adjusting resource for natural and man-made disasters. They're a process-centric organization with a large mobile workforce, and wanted to enable collaboration on rules-based claim services.
During Super Storm Sandy, there were 562 adjusters deployed, 44,085 calls received, and 48,744 claims made. With such large numbers, it's important for Crawford to be flexible, agile, and mobile. The goal is to think global and act local. They're focused on customer-centric solutions.
Crawford has been able to rethink their product delivery and double new product releases. The Crawford Desktop application it developed is a customizable portal platform with a modern presentation that allows users to access all applications, claim tasks, notifications, analytics, and content from one portal.
Another Crawford application is the Crawford CAT Connection. It provides real-time catastrophe resource management with an HR system integration, which allows for faster activation and deployment of adjusters, along with self-service functions. The CAT Connection is also mobile. As a tool for contract catastrophe adjusters, it works on all major mobile devices, supports the virtual workforce strategy, and uses social collaboration.
Crawford's applications span a wide range of functions, and they all take advantage of mobile and social collaboration to improve service, enable accountability, and increase agility.