When do you bring an EA into your project?

To gain the best possible understanding of a project, it's a good strategy to bring an energy advisor into the early stages of your planning.

As building codes change to reach higher targets for energy performance, energy advisors or EAs are going to be more prominent in the construction process. Much like the connections you have with subcontractors, designers and building officials, finding an energy advisor that you like to work with is a smart move for the future of your business.

The earlier you can bring an EA into a regular role in your operations, the better. Most of their work is going to happen in the planning stages but they will also be helpful throughout construction, especially when third-party labelling programs are being used by the building owners. They are trained to use NRCan's energy simulation software HOT2000 and to perform blower door air leakage testing and have strong knowledge of building codes and standards as well as the performance of a variety of building materials.

Your energy advisor is going to provide practical advice based on the following actions:

  • For new buildings, they will create an ENERGY MODEL which is a virtual plan of the building that focuses on energy efficient performance. This model will include recommendations for the design of insulation, air tightness, windows and doors, HVAC systems and other facets of the building. New Home EAs are certified through NRCan's EnerGuide Rating System Version 15.
  • For existing buildings, an energy advisor performs an ENERGY AUDIT which involves the inspection and diagnostic testing of the building to establish a baseline performance - this is a comprehensive picture of how the building is currently using and losing energy through air leaks, poor insulation and other factors.