10. Challenges and Barriers

The biggest challenge in achieving the 2025 Vision will be in gaining and maintaining the required level of engagement between industry, utilities, and governments. This level of engagement has not traditionally existed. There are signs that some organizations are moving in the right direction but we have also seen challenges in that the organizations involved are not fully aware of the time commitment required for the higher levels of engagement, which are essential. This time commitment is both in terms of people's time, devoted to the project, and in the project timeline, to allow for the meaningful engagement to take place. This challenge applies to all sectors.

Another challenge is in the coordination and commitment required in building the home performance industry in a way that increased consumer demand is met by the appropriate increase in industry capacity. Contractors and suppliers need to have the confidence in their Utility and Government allies, such that they will scale up their capacity as the program is promoted to consumers. Industry capacity and consumer demand need to be synchronized as closely as possible.

A challenge for the insulation industry is that it does not currently have an organization to represent the industry and provide a voice to utilities and governments. In the short term, HPSC is working with the Insulation Sector Council to provide this function, but in the long term it is desirable that an industry-specific association take over this function. Getting such an association formed and operating will be a challenge as the contactors are all busy and volunteer time is at a premium.