The Solution

The solution combines the best practices of world-class resources with a better way to consume content, keep content up to date, and engage partners, supporters, and prospective leads:

  • Keep people on your website: Unlike downloadable PDFs, Guides are like "mini-sites" where users remain on your website to consume content, instead of leaving to their desktop.
  • Live, multimedia content: Guides combine text, images, videos, in one place so you can use any type of media to communicate your message. And because all the content is online, you can update content in "real-time" and it is updated for everyone who accesses a Guide.
  • Short, "snackable" content: Rather than writing long-form content, Guides are a compilation of short pieces of content so users can easily click to key pieces of information rather than reading from start to finish (which is how people consume content now).
  • Personalized, interactive experience: Unlike PDFs, each reader has their own "personal" copy of the Guide and can bookmark items, mark them as completed, and ask the author questions - right within context of consuming the Guide.
  • Detailed information on engagement: When someone downloads your content, you have no visibility on if they have read it, which sections they spent the most time on, or if they shared your content with colleagues or friends. provides heat maps, sentiment analysis, and detailed reader information providing you with the tools you need to qualify leads and improve content over time.
  • Integration with marketing tools: integrates with leading CRM and email marketing tools, so you're not adding another tool you have to consolidate in your marketing reports.