Weak Points in the Air Barrier


Any air barrier is going to have tough spots and these areas need careful attention.

Remember: An air barrier should be continuous from basement slab to the the roof!

The older the building, the less likely that there's a proper air barrier. The weakest points are going to be:

  • Around floor joists and headers (rim joist)
  • Windows and doors
  • Outlets and fixtures for electrical, plumbing
  • Ceiling and wall junction - drywall cracks from truss uplift
  • Attic hatches
  • Ventilation for appliances and HVAC
The perimeter of a floor assembly is a critical area to air seal and insulate.

Choose the most appropriate material for improving the air barrier:

  • Sheet roll material (exterior application) for walls and roof
  • Caulking for small gaps and cracks
  • Low expansion spray foam for larger gaps
  • Liquid applied air barrier for hard to cover areas - stone or concrete block foundation.
This attic area needs serious attention. How would you make this air tight?