Common Terms


Some of the commonly used terms and abbreviations in Air Barrier code and practice:

50 and 75 Pa Pascals, a measure of air pressure on a surface that imitates a strong wind.
ACH Air Changes per Hour
NL Normalized Leakage (expressed as NLR - Normalized Leakage Rate, or NLA - Normalized Leakage Area). A measurement of the airtightness of a building relative to its size and number of stories. Defined in ASHRAE Standard 119.
0.02 L/(s∙m2) 0.02 Litres per second per metre squared. Measurement of the acceptable amount of air that can get through a material being used as a barrier. This test is done with air pressure (75 Pa) in a lab.
Conditioned Space The inside of the building that you're ventilating, heating or cooling.
Infiltration/ Exfiltration Air Leakage into and out of a building, respectively
Assemblies All the parts of construction for a specific area of a building - for example a typical wall assembly is drywall, vapour barrier, studs, insulation, sheeting, house wrap, strapping and siding.
NEBC National Energy Building Code
NBC National Building Code