NBC and NECB - What's the difference?


There are two codes that apply to air sealing and insulating buildings in Canada: the National Building Code and the National Energy Code for Buildings. But which one should you use?

The National Building Code (NBC) is the version of code that is commonly used for small, residential buildings that are 3-storeys or less.

The National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) is the version of code that is commonly used for large buildings higher than 3-storeys, or that may have mixed use (i.e. residential apartments with retail stores on the first level).

Technically, you could use instructions from the NECB to build residential buildings - the same expectations for material properties are described in both - but the NECB goes further to describe lighting, electrical and mechanical systems that would not be used in small residential buildings.

To put it another way, the NECB contains more information than you would need if you were only designing and building single-family custom homes, and the NBC doesn't contain enough information for you to design and build a large apartment building with stores and offices.