
On an iPad that supports it, you can dictate instead of typing. Make sure Siri is turned on (in Settings > General > Siri) and iPad is connected to the Internet.

Dictate text. Tapthe microphone icon on the iPad keyboard, then speak. When you finish, tap Done.

Add text. Tapagain and continuing dictating. To insert text, tap to place the insertion point first. You can also replace selected text by dictating.

Add punctuation or format text. Say the punctuation or format. For example, "Dear Mary comma the check is in the mail exclamation mark" becomes "Dear Mary, the check is in the mail!" Punctuation and formatting commands include:

  • quote ... end quote
  • new paragraph
  • new line
  • cap-to capitalize the next word
  • caps on ... caps off-to capitalize the first character of each word
  • all caps-to make the next word all uppercase
  • all caps on ... all caps off-to make the enclosed words all uppercase
  • no caps on ... no caps off-to make the enclosed words all lowercase
  • no space on ... no space off-to run a series of words together
  • smiley-to insert :-)
  • frowny-to insert :-(
  • winky-to insert ;-)