Social Channels

Growing a strong social presence is a must. It gives people who are not yet ready to buy your product to follow your product, story and conversations. Remember, focus your attention on the social channel that actually converts the most customers.


Twitter's main advantage for B2B SaaS is that it helps you follow your prospects and have meaningful conversations with them. It is like walking into a room full of your prospective customers who are chatting about the things they like. Wouldn't you want to be in one?

Here are best practices for Twitter:

  • Update Twitter with smart, meaningful and witty content atleast 5­8 times a day. Use Buffer to space out your tweets.
  • Use Hootsuite, TweetDeck and similar tools to find conversations relevant to your product and space.Then engage with those prospects. People on Twitter are fairly open to new people entering conversations if you don't send ostentatious marketing messages.
  • Brightpod does 2 things on Twitter:
    • Send a constant daily stream of hand picked articles around the digital marketing space. These tweets get retweeted and favourited on a daily basis now.
    • Has setup 8­10 keywords on Tweetdeck to monitor if people need a project management tool for their marketing needs. Since this is so targeted more than 50% of the people they engage with sign up for a free trial.


You can bet that almost every business professional has a LinkedIn profile. Here is what you can do on LinkedIn:

  • Engage in the right groups.
  • Follow each of your customers.
  • Post every article that was written on your blog on LinkedIn too.
  • Experiment with in­mails to reach out to relevant leads. But don't get disheartened if your response rates are very low. Sticking to group contacts and 2nd degree (at most) contacts would most likely give you high response rates.


Quora is the new age LinkedIn Answers and a hotbed of discussions around almost anything.

Build your expertise here and you have a very engaged audience. You may also find potential sales opportunities too as prospects are likely to ask questions comparing your product with your competitors.

Demonstrating thought leadership on Quora can encourage others to turn to you for professional help.

Here is what you can do with Quora:

  • engage with topics related to your business and product.
  • when answering a topic about your product it really helps to upload screenshots supporting your answer.
  • Answer questions with the spirit of helping out, and not with the spirit of pushing your product. People on Quora can be fairly hostile to aggressive marketing messages.
  • You can learn from the questions what your prospective customers want. This could in­turn become future topics for your content marketing