Your Product Website

Product Website

Even before people come in touch with your product they are going to experience your website. The most important job of the website is to build trust with your website visitors.

Think about it.­ You haven't met your customers and they are going to trust their data with you! How would this make your customers feel?

At the bare minimum, your clean, visually appealing and mobile­ friendly SaaS website will be a must have.

Additionally, use this simple check list to assess the current state of your website:

  • A clean one liner that explains your offering
    • ChargeBee: Trusted Billing Platform for your Subscription Business
    • FreshDesk: Customer Happiness, Refreshingly Easy
    • KiSSFLOW : Automate Workflows. Reduce Chaos.
  • Logos of top companies using your product
  • Customer quotes, testimonials and case­ studies.
  • 60 seconds explainer video
  • Benefits Page instead of Feature Page. Brightpod ditched the word "Feature" for the word "Benefits" and explains how each feature will benefit their target customers.
  • How it Works. This is *not* the feature page. A good percentage of your prospects want to get a feel for your product before they commit time for trial. This page works wonders if done well.
  • Easy to understand pricing page. A good pricing page does not require any further explanation. Be Open, Transparent, esp. no hidden costs.
  • A comprehensive FAQ page to answer questions immediately than having the customer email in and wait for the answer.
  • An easy way for prospects to get in touch via email or a live chat.