Figure 2-12 Up to one third of the insulating value can be installed on the warm side of the vapour barrier; 2/3; 1/3
Figure 2-12 Up to one third of the insulating value can be installed on the warm side of the vapour barrier

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Older homes are part of our architectural heritage and require special consideration when retrofitting. Maintaining the durability of the structure is especially important. Some houses that were built before 1950 incorporated unusual construction details and materials that make it necessary to improvise and adapt standard retrofit methods.

Remain sensitive to the heritage aspect, design, materials and particular features of the house when retrofitting. Some houses may even have special heritage designation that may limit what can be changed. The retrofit will need to minimize changes to the building's appearance and emphasize repair, rather than replacement, of building components. In any event, it is advisable to consult with your local building authorities about planned upgrades.

In some cases, you may want to consult with an architect or a building conservator with knowledge of heritage house conservation and in others, an engineer, before undertaking work that may compromise the structure. Refer to the Planning energy efficiency renovations for your home section of our website.