Protecting yourself and your family

Many materials give off particles, fibres or vapours during installation that can be harmful to the installer and anyone in the immediate area. Even natural materials such as sawdust and plaster dust can be harmful. Often, the hazard is not from the primary material, but from binders, solvents, stabilizers or other additives.

To retrofit safely and effectively, maintain a clean work area, separate it from the rest of the house and follow the guidelines below:

  • Bag and properly dispose of all waste materials.
  • Keep fibrous and vapour-generating materials well sealed until they are needed, and close the containers at the end of the workday.
  • Vacuum the work area daily to remove fibres and dust.
  • Provide ventilation for the work area and isolate it from the rest of the house by closing doors or hanging curtains of plastic.
  • Provide extra ventilation for the rest of the house while the work is in progress and during any curing or drying period.
  • Rags and sawdust exposed to finishes may spontaneously combust. Carefully follow disposal directions for these products.