Fibrous insulation materials such as glass fibre and mineral
wool can easily irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory system.
Disposable lightweight coveralls or loose, thick clothing with long
sleeves and tight cuffs will help minimize skin irritations.
Special barrier creams that protect the skin when working with
fibrous materials are available from safety supply houses and some
building supply stores.
Wear goggles when there is any possibility of insulation dust coming in contact with the eyes. Eyes can easily become irritated or inflamed by brittle fibres, and permanent damage can result. Wear a hard hat to prevent head injuries, bumps and cuts (watch out for exposed roofing nails in the attic) and to protect your hair from insulation particles.
Avoid breathing insulation, wood and plastic dusts. Wear a well-designed, snug-fitting half-mask respirator with a particulate filter when handling glass fibre, mineral wool and cellulose fibre insulation.
If opening existing attics, wall cavities or ceilings, be especially cautious. Wear a well-fitted mask with replacement cartridges to avoid inhaling dust, pollens, mould spores and debris associated with bats, mice and other vermin. A half-mask respirator with a high efficiency particulate arrester (HEPA) filter cartridge is recommended. These are available through safety supply houses. Buy a supply of filters rated for the material you will be using and change the filters according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Rigid polystyrene insulation is essentially an inert material, but it can shed particles, so use a face mask when cutting board stock. However, note that polyurethane insulations give off harmful vapours when being cut or sprayed in place. The vapour causes skin and eye irritation and breathing difficulties, even at low levels of exposure, so ventilate well.
When applying the spray-in-place material, contractors take special safety precautions and use respirators. If you plan to have spray plastic foam insulation installed inside your home, make sure you provide additional ventilation until the material has cured. Curing time is generally between 24 and 48 hours (hr).
Sealants and caulking materials have widely different chemical compositions. Most sealants use solvents to keep the material pliable until it is installed. Once applied, the solvents evaporate and release fumes as the material sets or cures. These fumes can cause respiratory irritation or other allergic reactions. Make sure the work area is well ventilated and provide additional ventilation to the home during the curing period, which can vary from days to weeks.