Let's be honest. You have come a long way!
Your story has wound up and down some pretty magnificent mountains and into some pretty dark valleys. You have been spun upside down and all around and yet you have found that you are miraculously still standing and maybe you are even still moving forward!
That's incredible! Your story is amazing!
And it's a story that only you alone can tell...and it needs to be told.
And if we are really honest... your dream, business, and/or nonprofit has also had a tumultuous life story. It's a story that at times has run in step with your personal story. At other times, it has unexpectedly wound quickly away from you, only to once again find its way back to you again.
Its story has your heart wrapped up in it, your blood, sweat, and tears washed through it, the moments of your life poured out over it, and yet at the end of the day...its story stands alone...apart from yours...and its story needs to be told.
times they need to be told together. In places where they can build
strength into each other they need to be shared and united.
And in other places...these stories need to be told apart.
For even though you have breathed life into your dream and/or business and at times it has breathed life into you, your dream / business and you each have your own beat, your own pulse, and your own journey that you ultimately each must take.
And so you must give each other room to breathe, space to live independently, and freedom to dance along together as you each find a way to tell the stories that you each were created to tell.
This guide is a step by step journey to finding these stories and to powerfully creating a comprehensive brand.
A brand for you as an individual that includes all of the pieces of you that you have poured into the work that you do, but that also includes the pieces of you that are scattered around in other places that you are invested in as well.
A brand for your business that comprehensively and powerfully engages individuals and businesses to come alongside its mission and take action.
Incredible. Two incredible stories. Intricately woven together and yet remarkably independent of each other.
Powerful. Strength filled stories of passion, mission, and drive, that are actively living and moving forward still.
United. Together each celebrating and pushing each other to be who they were meant to be.
It's time to divide and conquer.
It's time to build.
It's time to become BRANDED.