Can My Passive Revenue Stream Be Matched To Existing Services?

Here is another really easy way to start incorporating passive revenue into your existing business: match passive revenue streams to your services. What I mean by that is that you should be creating products and opportunities that align nicely with what you are already offering.

We create and design WordPress blog sites at BSETC ( and we often get asked, "Why do you design for WordPress instead of designing on HTML." So, we created a one-hour audio program, for free, that discusses why WordPress is the best website platform out there.

By creating a free product that touts the benefits of a service you provide, you are helping your potential customer to create trust in the software / technology / service / etc. that you are using or referring. It helps them to better understand the process and they will be more able to make an educated purchasing decision.

It's also a great idea to create passive revenue streams that can be packaged with existing products or services. For example: creating a Twitter 101 e-book that is sold whenever someone purchases a custom Twitter background but that can also be purchased on its own. The idea here is that a potential customer can get a Twitter background made anywhere but they may not be able to get the Twitter background made AND get a Twitter 101 e-book with it.

Services that get packaged with products have a higher value so think about that when setting up your services. You may be able to earn $97 for a coaching session, as an example, but pair it with an "After the Session Handbook" and you can easily charge $147.