Highlight and make note of
the name of the page in the address bar of your browser. (example:
VisionIgnited.com/ website-design)
Login to WordPress
Click "Pages" on the left column of the
Click the Title of the page
you made note of in step 3
OPTIONAL STEP: If the large text block in the
middle of the screen looks similar to the image below beginning
with "vc_row", Click the Blue"BACKEND EDITOR" button. If not move onto the next
OPTIONAL STEP: If there are three large
buttons at the top left of the screen that look similar to the
image below. Click the Grey "Backend
Editor" Button in the upper right hand corner of the
screen. If not move onto the next step.
Hover your mouse pointer over the text
box you want to edit. A green box will appear
Click the pencil icon to edit
Edit the text within the text box and Click
the Blue "Save" Button to close
To preview your changes, Click the
Gray "Preview Changes" Button in the Publish menu
on the right side of the screen
To publish your changes and put them on the internet,
Click the Gray "Publish / Update"
Button in the Publish menu on the right side of the screen