Add A New Event

Hooray, it's time to schedule a party! This page will show you how to create your own event page.

  1. Login to WordPress
  2. Click "Events" on the left column of the screen
  3. Click the Grey "Add New" Button near the top of the screen

  4. Type Event Title and Event Description in the gray text boxes

  5. Type Event Time & Date, Event Location, and Organizers in the gray text boxes

  6. Click "Set Featured Image" in the lower right hand corner to add a picture to the event

  7. Click Grey "Select Files" button to upload images OR Click the "Media Library" button in the upper left hand corner to select an image you have already uploaded
  8. Click Blue "Set Featured Image" in the bottom right hand corner to import image
  9. Click Grey "Preview" button in the publish menu on the right side of the screen to view your changes
  10. Click blue "Publish / Update" button to save your changes