Appian Mobile BPM

Instead of taking the inferior HTML5 or hybrid approach, compromising on usability and security, Appian provides pure native mobile applications for all major device platforms. Appian's mobile design approach provides the best of both worlds between HTML5 and native mobile application as part of the integrated Appian BPM Suite:

Appian makes mobile application design simple and powerful through a unique "write-once, deploy anywhere" architecture, powered by Appian SAIL (Self-Assembling Interface Layer). SAIL allows designers to quickly create a single user dynamic interface definition, then deploy to native mobile client applications on all major device platforms and across major web browsers.

Furthermore, application designers can simply drag-and-drop to design mobile process patterns in Appian's Process Modeler based on graphical Business Process Modeling (BPMN). Users can create processes, define and update rules, create forms, test, validate, and publish the new mobile application. Once published, the updated application will be immediately available on Apple iOS, BlackBerry, and Google Android devices with no need to compile code or publish to an app store.

So the answer to go HTML5, Hybrid, or Native Mobile Application Development? Go Appian!