Alberta Building Code (ABC) Requirements

  • Section 9.25 of the code deals with
    • Heat Transfer
    • Air Leakage
    • Condensation Control
  • Anything that separates the indoors from the outdoors needs to have:
    • Thermal insulation
    • An Air Barrier System
    • A Vapour Retarder (Vapour Barrier)

Note: The location of the insulation, air barrier system and vapour barrier within the building envelope is also important.

Section 9.25 of the code deals with Heat Transfer, Air Leakage and Condensation Control

2) All walls, ceilings and floors separating conditional space from unconditioned space, the exterior air or the ground shall be

a) provided with

i)Thermal insulation

ii) An Air Barrier System

iii) A Vapour Barrier

b) constructed in such a way that the properties and relative position of all materials conform to Subsection 9.25.5.

3) Insulation and sealing of heating and ventilation ducts shall conform to Sections 9.32, 9.33 and 9.36.