Where polyethylene is installed to serve only as the vapour barrier, it shall comply with Clause 4.4, Thermal Stability, and Clause 5.7, Oxidative Induction Time, of CAN/CGSB-51.34-M, "Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building Construction." Membrane-type vapour barriers other than polyethylene shall conform to the requirements of CAN/CGSB-51.33-M, "Vapour Barrier Sheet, Excluding Polyethylene, for Use in Building Construction." Where a coating is applied to gypsum board to function as the vapour barrier, the permeance of the coating shall be determined in accordance with CAN/CGSB-1.501-M, "Method for Permeance of Coated Wallboard." Where foamed plastic insulation functions as the
vapour barrier, it shall be sufficiently thick so as to
meet the requirement of Sentence (1).