Characteristics of Materials, Components and Assemblies

Photo Source: Summerhill Determination of Thermal Characteristics of Materials, Components and Assemblies (4) The effective thermal resistance of opaque building assemblies shall be determined from

a) calculations conforming to Article, or

b) laboratory tests performed in accordance with ASTM C 1363, " Thermal Performance of Building Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus," using an indoor temperature of 21+/- 1°C and an outdoor air temperature of -35 +/- 1°C. (1) In calculating the effective thermal resistance of assemblies for the purpose of comparison with the requirements of Articles and, the thermal bridging effect of closely spaced, repetitive structural members, such as studs and joists, and of ancillary members, such as lintels, sills and plates, shall be accounted for.

Note: We will not be covering the process for calculating Effective Thermal Resistance in this course. That has been reserved for the advanced course.