
  • Keeping the Heat In: Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is pleased to inform you that NAIMA Canada is hereby granted permission to reproduce the following NRCan copyright material to be reproduced for training materials use:

Figures: Figure 2-10, Page.19, Figure 2-1, Page.10, Figure 2-2, Page.10, Figure.2-5, Pg.14, Figure. 2-3, Page.11, Figure. 2-12,Page.20, Figure.5-4, Page.53. Example Labels: EnerGuide Example Label and EnerGuide Explanation Label Photo.

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Source: "Keeping the Heat In", Natural Resources Canada, 2012. Reproduced with the permission of the Department of Natural Resources, 2017. The content of this publication was developed by NAIMA Canada and does not necessarily reflect the views of NRCan.

Source : « Emprisonnons la chaleur », Ressources naturelles Canada, 2012. Reproduit avec l'autorisation du ministère des Ressources naturelles, 2017. Le contenu de cette publication a été rédigé par NAIMA Canada et ne reflète pas nécessairement l'opinion de RNCan.

  • "Canadian Home Builders' Association Builders' Manual", Canadian Home Builders' Association, 2013. Reproduced with the permission of the Canadian Home Builders' Association, 2017. The contents of this manual do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Canadian Home Builders' Association.

  • "Alberta Building Code 2014", Reproduced with the permission of Alberta Municipal Affairs and the National Research Council of Canada, copyright holder.