
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all that helped contribute to the process of creating this book and to all who have been instrumental in assisting me on my journey to successful living.

To my parents, Ardella and Jerry Turner, who have been supportive from the beginning, and who have allowed me to grow as a creative being. To the rest of my family,including my sister Lorita, my nephews, grandparents and a host of cousins, aunts, and uncles, whether here in the physical form or not, your support has always been felt. To my daughter Taniya Monet, you have always been my driving force and a major reason why this book was written. I would also like to thank the Stinson family for their support.

Special thanks to my publicist and friend Jackie O. Asare for her continued efforts to keep me in the public eye. Your words of encouragement and our conversations on life in general have been very inspirational. To Shawnique and Kevin Woodly, I thank you both for your continued support of my journey as a radio personality. To my long time co host Mara 'The Hip Hop Socialite' for being by my side. Your continuous efforts in striving for your dreams have been inspirational. Thanks to 'Ken' for proofreading and editing this book in a timely fashion and to Janiel Escueta for assisting me in the creation of the book cover.

Special thanks to all of my Street Disciplez family members who have shown their support and helped me grow the brand through the years.I would also like to acknowledge all of my former students and staff members, from SoBRO and Crotona Academy, my time there was genuinely put to good use. The lives that I was fortunate enough to touch and be a part of has forever changed the way I view life and the importance of remaining active within the community.