The #ProcessingProcess 

As productive and caring citizens, we have all, at one time or another, given a piece of advice that we felt would surely lead to positive experiences for the person seeking advice. All we were at the time was a vessel for information. It was still up to the person how they would digest this information and what steps they would take following the conversation. In the neighborhood where I grew up, the Bronx, New York, which still to this day many would consider as the most confusing borough to navigate through in New York City, I would often encounter an aimlessly lost pedestrian attempting to locate some random block which he couldn't be farther away from. I would often stop and attempt to guide the person in the right direction as best I could, using landmarks, every conceivable hand gesture and even the occasional napkin map to describe how they were to arrive at their destination, only to watch the befuddled lost soul drive away and immediately make a wrong turn at the stop light two blocks away.

Now maybe my directions weren't the clearest but they were 100% accurate. How could they be so stupid as not to follow the course I laid out for them? (Of course this is what I thought at the time.) However I've come to realize that it's not that the information was incorrect or that the person intended to get lost, the error took place on the intake of the information. As the driver listened and tried to recount the steps in his head something was lost in translation. The second left after the BP gas station somehow turned into a right at the corner store and now he is once again off course.

Our mind is a very carefully structured mechanism which can create and do amazing things with focused energy, however when we are not completely focused we are very easily directed off course. The key to an organized and productive life is an organized and productive mind. The organization of the mind is guided by our individual experiences and how they are processed. Processing information carefully and organizing it in such a way that it drives positive thoughts, which will eventually create positive experiences, is a powerful tool used by many successful people in all walks of life. It is a vehicle for change, creation, and establishing a way of living.

Changing #MyPerspective will assist you in navigating through a thought process in which your perspective of situations, circumstances and people will be adjusted so that you may be better equipped to reach your outcomes. It will also provide a built in support group and source of inspiration by way of social media. At the end of each chapter feel free to search and create posts using the hashtags provided. As you go along on your journey share your pictures, thoughts and stories with us via those same hashtags. Feel free to network with other #MyPerspective readers. Remember the