Spiritual Note

Throughout this book I will use the spiritual note section to help you reflect on each chapter from an inner being perspective. The spiritual note helps answer the question, what does this principle or perspective mean to me spiritually? Getting in touch with your inner being and using reflection is important when attempting to live life from the inside out. I am not connecting this section, or any section of this book, to any religion in specific, nor will I touch on my personal beliefs on religion, however throughout the book I do recognize the existence and the importance of a spirit being and the existence of a higher power which I will refer to as the Creator.

Your connection with your spirit being will bring you closer to your Creator and will also help you gain clarity when dealing with your perspective on life. Your drive and motivation must come internally in order to maintain success. External motivational factors are also good to have but always remain self-driven and in tune with your spirit being.

Using the Chapter 1 hashtags, post pictures and stories which best explain why the journey to creating a better perspective in your life is important to you.