Chapter 2: #StartHere

Each Person must take responsibility for their current situation in life. No matter how bad of an experience you may have gone through, the only way to truly create change is by accepting responsibility. The reasoning behind this is simple. You can only change what you control. By accepting responsibility for where you are currently in your life, you remove the blame from your parents, your low paying job, your circumstances and any other excuses, valid or not. The blame sits squarely on your shoulders. Once you have accepted the blame you've created an opportunity and environment for yourself to make the necessary changes in your life. An excuse is the best friend of your worst enemy. Once you've eliminated all excuses the world is yours to explore, and let the exploration start from within.

The idea of following your dream or doing what makes you happy is often difficult to imagine. We often feel that our dreams are childish and our talents are only meant to be enjoyed for recreational purposes and for the most part our work should be just that, work. We look at working as some tedious task that has to be done in order to maintain a lifestyle. Most of our parents, the school system, and society in general teach us this lesson throughout our lives. We are taught to work within a system. We attend school from set times that almost resemble a 9 to 5 lifestyle, which helps contribute to a post scholastic pattern.

We study the same core courses as all of our other peers around the world and for the most part do not get to do much career or talent exploration until our later school years and even then our talents and abilities are downplayed. We view our God given talents as non pertinent, something extra that we are capable of doing. We even call these activities extracurricular, meaning they only exist outside of our regular core curriculum therefore they almost do not matter in the larger scheme of things. We are graded on how well we retain information, relevant or not, rather than our ability to create new information. Society accepts us when we fit in and ridicules us when we appear to be different, or even think differently than others. This jaded outlook on life hinders us from achieving personal success in our lives.

We are taught to devalue what really holds meaning to ourselves as individuals at an early age. We live unfulfilled lives, almost with an unapologetic attitude about our views on living life successfully. We go through life thinking that this is "just the way life is supposed to be" without ever attempting to live in any other manner. We suppress our creativity and eventually grow out of it as if it was something that has been detrimental to our lives.

So how do we escape this pattern? How can we regain our sense of uniqueness and creativity and begin on our trail to accomplishment? The first step is to identify your passion correctly. We are often too vague about what it is that we are passionate about doing, which can lead to poor outcomes and unhappiness in our chosen field. Just because you love to draw doesn't mean that you should become an architect or own an art gallery. If you are not interested in the details of knowing certain regulations and codes that go into designing a home that career may not be for you. If you have no interest in the ups and downs of a small business owner then maybe owning an art gallery isn't for you either. Identifying your particular area of interest can be a difficult task. Here are a few questions that you should ask yourself to help uncover your true passion.