
We learn as children that being jealous isn't a good thing and that we should feel, in some respects, ashamed that we are jealous of someone else. I do not, however, share this perspective. Jealousy is an emotion that often should not be ignored. We are taught to suppress our jealousy, however I believe that jealousy is a natural human emotion and it needs to be identified properly and managed accordingly. We are usually jealous of other people because they either have something that we aspire to have, or they are in a position or role that we feel that we can excel in.

Oftentimes our jealousy of other people is really our subconscious aspiring to want more. Being able to identify your reasons for feeling envious will help with the management of these emotions. After all it's not the people that we are usually envious of, it's their position or status in life. Instead of letting your jealousy emotionally drive you toward feeling resentment towards a certain person, use it as an identifier. Recognize that your jealousy is just your hidden aspirations to have a better home, car, career, or even a better relationship with others. Once you can identify what it is you aspire to have or do, use this to your advantage. If the person is someone that you know, ask them how they went about obtaining the position they are currently in. Study their steps right or wrong, and use them as a reference point along the way on your own personal journey.