Who Or What #InspiresYou?

When you see people who function at a high level in a certain profession do you become inspired by their work, or even a little jealous? We tend to be inspired by people who are in positions that we admire and whose story we can identify with. Although it's true that we can be inspired by many things in life, when it comes to our career paths we are very particular with where we draw our inspiration from. When I was in high school I remember attending a career fair, which was normal for a teenager trying to figure out which direction he wants his life to go in. At this fair there was a fire fighter who gave this great speech about how he joined the FDNY because he had all of these heroic aspirations. He shared rescue stories and talked about how fulfilled his life felt because he was able to give back to his community.

As great as his story may have been, and although many people stood up and applauded, including myself, I knew that there was no way in the world I would find myself running into burning buildings for the rest of my life. His story was interesting yet not inspirational to me personally at all, and I was in no way, shape, or form jealous that I wasn't

in his position professionally. Find out who or what you can draw inspiration from. If you are inspired often by beautiful scenery and different places, maybe a career involving traveling could be a possibility. If you are inspired by creative people start exploring your own creativity.