Have You #EverSaid...?

Have you ever watched something that may have seemed interesting or even fun, and said to yourself, "I wish I had the chance to do that"? Well here is a simple solution. Just do it. Yes the old Nike slogan actually had some non-commercialization value to it. As we scratch the urge called curiosity we often find out more about ourselves. We push ourselves to limits and force ourselves to experience things that we wouldn't have normally if we had stayed in our safe zone. When searching for our passions we also are searching for something that will make us happy and give deeper meaning to our existence.

Allow your curiosity to act as a trigger to help find your passion. It may be something simple such as going to a museum, going horseback riding for the first time, or even going sky diving. If you find yourself intrigued by a certain activity (within reason) by all means partake in that particular activity. This will also mentally allow you to push boundaries. Saying yes to something different and achieving something that your inner being has longed for, no matter how small or silly the act may seem, will give you license to say yes more often to exploring your inner ambitions.