
As mentioned in the previous chapter, we all have a unique ability or attribute that comes natural to us. It is easy for us to recognize our strength when it comes in the form of a talent. Whether you can write, sing, dance, draw, are more athletic than others, or if you are just naturally good when it comes to working with your hands, spotting a talent can be rather easy when reflecting on identifying your strengths. Talents,however, aren't the only types of strengths an individual can have. Strengths also come in the form of attributes. Having patience, displaying leadership qualities, being a critical, analytical, or creative thinker, being a good listener, and being able to communicate effectively are also examples of strengths.

Each human being, on average, possesses approximately three to five strong points that are worth developing and can transition well into the market place. Remember, your passion will determine the marketplace, and your strengths will determine your role in that marketplace. For example, if you have identified that you have a genuine love of and passion to pursue a career in music but you don't have any musical talents such as singing or composing you must then identify how your personal strengths will translate into your chosen field. If you're a creative thinker then maybe music marketing is the right path for you. If you are good with your hands maybe a set designer for shows and tours could be your career path.

If you have a strong personality and a way with words, like me, maybe a career in radio might be your calling. Enter the marketplace with your strengths as your assets. Never allow yourself to coast on your natural strengths alone. When complacency sets in, you stunt the development of your growth and can run the risk of being surpassed in your field of choice. The idea of entitlement due to your natural talents and abilities is unrealistic and can create a false sense of security in the marketplace. Sure your natural skill may camouflage your lack of effort for a short period of time, but there is no substitute for hard work and skill development.