Energy Investment

It's not good enough to just be in attendance, or that you set a little bit of time aside. It's not good enough to say you spent the money needed. Time and financial investments are both good things but they mean nothing if the effort isn't there. People mistake investing money and time for trying. When you talk to business owners who failed in their experience, their explanation is usually something along the lines of, "I wasted $30,000 and it didn't work out." An investment of money does not equate to effort. The two are very separate, yet both are needed.

You must invest your own personal energy toward your vision and development. It is also not enough to say you put the time in. Time without energy is wasted. If you don't believe this to be true, walk into any one of the best universities in the world and ask a professor what would happen if a student invested their money into attending the school, and invested their time into actually going to the classes, but still didn't dedicate their energy toward doing the actual work. The response will be that the student would fail each time. Make sure your effort and energy is in alignment with your other investments, if this is not the case, they will all go to waste.