Time Investment

Your investment of time should not be compromised nor shared. We often downplay the importance of time investment. We recognize how precious time can be when it comes to our personal affairs but we can sometimes downplay how important time is when dealing with professional development. We dedicate 8 hours a day to our job, another 8 hours per day to sleep and the last 8 hours usually goes toward a combination of friends, family relaxation and personal agenda. Be creative with your time management and make some time for developing your strengths.

Making an investment of time is a long term project. Just as the person who goes to the gym to develop physical strength then quits after two months because he doesn't see the results that he wants, your personal strengths will also take time to develop. Do not be stingy or frugal with your time investment. Once you make a choice to pursue a goal, investing time cannot be substituted for. Make sure your priorities are in line with the expectations of your development. The more time you invest the greater your chances of having successful outcomes.