Spiritual Note

Usually when people speak of spiritual investments you automatically think of paying tithes. I am speaking of no such investment. The spiritual investment I am speaking of involves investing your life energies towards your purpose. When I make use of the term 'purpose', I am solely speaking on the use of your God given abilities to accomplish your life's passions. I am not attempting to suggest that your purpose is somehow an ultimate destiny or destination. With that said, your purpose in live deserves your investment. Investments of time, energy and finances are needed for development.

You will also need to make sure your spiritual investment is in line with your purpose. Remember, an investment is all about sacrifice. You must shed some old habits and ways of living and operating in order to properly develop your strengths. This is the beginning of shedding the old you. If you believe in living life to its fullest potential then you should naturally believe that your God gave you your unique skills and talents for said reason.

Using the Chapter 3 hashtags, post pictures and stories relating to the development of your personal strengths and the investments made in each.
