Manage Your #Expectations

Disappointment is based upon expectations. Once you learn how to manage your expectations, you will be disappointed less which, in turn, should help with the emotional aspect of failure as well as the planning and restructuring. Do not mistake this step for 'expecting to fail', this is not what I mean when I say manage your expectations. Life can be difficult as we all know, all I am saying is to expect things not to always go your way;develop contingency plans that are geared around accomplishing the same goal. This principle also applies when dealing with people while in the midst of your journey. At times we tend to put our outcomes in the hands of others too often. You will meet people who, due to their position in life, can help further your progression along on your journey. If someone offers help or assistance, take it, but only with realistic expectations of their role in your plans of accomplishment.

Placing unrealistic expectations on people can lead to complacency and inevitable setbacks. First you must properly identify the type of person that you are engaged with. Identifying the type of person correctly is of the utmost importance. Once you have someone properly identified you should know exactly what to expect from that person. For example,if someone is known for being disorganized, expecting them to help you organize your business would be pretty unrealistic. Expect liars to lie, lazy people to be lazy, and noncommittal people to remain uncommitted.