
Nothing beats rest. Taking some time off is always needed to refocus. Your time away can depend on how urgent the project you are working on is. A break can be a few days or a few hours, you decide. Never make the break too long or too short. A break that is too short defeats the purpose and doesn't allow time for fresh ideas to sink in or allow bad vibes and thoughts to escape, while a break that is too long will encourage complacency and will be the breeding ground for excuses. When you do step away from your project make your time productive.

Try not to sleep your downtime away. Go out to dinner, see a movie, hang out with friends or family or do anything that you truly enjoy. This allows your mind to re-energize and gives new ideas a chance to develop. Also, any activity that forces you to be creative is encouraged; after all, your creativity will usually help you through your failures and ultimately obtain success. It takes creativity to problem solve, and I guarantee you that it will take problem solving to be successful. Allow your creativity to flow whenever the opportunity presents itself.Think of it as honing a skill.