Remember #ImSeparate

When I speak of separating I mean in the literal sense as well as the mental. The first thing we must do in order to arise from difficult circumstances is detach ourselves at once from whatever the situation is. If the source of your issue is coming from within your house, leave. Go for a long walk, stay a night at a friend's house, do something to physically get away from the source of the negativity. If the source of the issue is at work, take a vacation, if you used up all of those days use your lunch hour and get as far away from your job as possible, take smoke breaks even though you don't smoke. Just get away!

When you do find a way to escape from the source of the issue, the very first thing that you must do is focus on something else completely. If you are artistic, draw or look at some artwork, read a book, exercise, meditate, do anything but think about the situation that is at hand. This will help you in two ways. It will downplay, even if for a few minutes, the urgency of the situation and it will also allow you to set a mind frame that, once you leave that location, wherever it maybe, the problem stays there.

We all need an escape, hence the reason why major vacation locations are always overbooked and overpriced. Your break, however,doesn't have to be on an exotic island, it can be a drive in your car for an hour or a walk in the park. In order for you to realize that you are not your problems, it is very important to detach. Although you may play a major role in your current situation or circumstance, realize that you yourself are more than your set of circumstances. Focus on other positive aspects of your being and allow yourself a mental escape. Besides,most of our issues will be there when we return and we will deal with them then.