
You must be able to not only face your current set of circumstances head on, but you also must try to find out what role you play in the situation. Finding fault and not allowing yourself to blame others is a crucial step in this process. You must realize that the only change you can make in the world is within yourself. Once you start making those inner changes the world around you will begin to reflect the changes that you have made. Blaming others for your issues gives you a reason to give up and allows you to make an exception for a issue that you did not directly cause. Even if you were born into your current circumstances or if others forced you into them, you must be able to identify what you (and only you) can change going forward.

Once you can identify that then the work begins. For instance, let's say that you were born into poverty; you must be able to identify the patterns and the set of principles that accompany those patterns that have led your family to the path of poverty and not prosperity. Then ask yourself what you can do so that those patterns end with you. If no one in your family has graduated from HS or college, make sure that you are the first. If your family has a habit of talking down to you and others or being degrading, be the first person in your family to start giving positive feedback to others. If the pattern in your family is to never complete a task and to give up when things get tough, make it a rule that you will never quit.

You must find something that you can change, that you can work on independent from your present set of circumstances. Dedicate yourself to that task and see it through to its completion. As you change for the better so will your circumstances. Remember, you are not only the art connoisseur, you are also the artist. People will view your work and change will be sparked, but it all starts with you and your canvas. Let your efforts be endless and your drive be focused and intentional.