
There have been many books written and seminars shaped around the idea that we, as human beings, all have individualized destinies. Although I do believe the Creator has placed us on this earth for a certain purpose at a specific time, I also realize that chasing a destiny will lead to uncertainty. The term destiny itself leads you to believe that everything is predetermined. When outcomes have already been written and paths already decided beforehand, you have given yourself a pass for failure, and if you do somehow succeed you have discredited your great efforts by calling your work your destiny. Whether or not destiny does or doesn't exist and the notion that everything might or might not be predetermined should not be your concern. The only thing we should be concerned with is effort and focus. Focus and effort will bring results.

A man who believes in his own destiny is a man waiting to die. Some religious and social groups may find this principle difficult to accept and may even feel that my views on this particular issue may be a bit harsh, however I would explain it in this manner-our job, as humans functioning in society, is to use our creativity and our God given abilities to wake up every morning and make a conscious choice to live. Your focus should never be on the uncontrollable for the most obvious of reasons. Your ultimate destiny is nothing more than an accumulation of your life's actions. Your karma will be a result of your previous choices and their affects on your life. Your present set of circumstances, positive or negative, is not a result of destiny. View each situation that you are facing as an individualized task rather than a condition. Take the task head on and create your change.