Chapter 6: #Beingspecific

So far we have established that understanding the importance of creating a proper perspective within your everyday life is important to your journey. With that said, gaining a proper perspective or introspective of your life cannot be done without identifying a few key components specifically. The first component is known simply as #YourWhy. 'Your why' is a term used to identify your reason for waking up every day and striving for your goals and ambitions. Simply put, it is important to identify and write out why each goal has importance to you. This line of reasoning will be used over and over whenever deemed necessary. When you are facing failure and all resources seem to be exhausted, your why will push you towards an untapped resource and will give you the motivation needed to allow yourself to try again as many times as possible.

The second component is #YourWhat. Identifying what you want from your life and why it is important to you will allow you to focus on one specified direction. What is it that you really want beyond the vagueness of success? Being vague with your goals will almost certainly lead you to vague results. Last but not least, #YourWhen. Give yourself a timetable, set deadlines and stick to them.

People who have yet to identify with their 'why, what and when' usually switch course a multitude of times and also tend to never follow through with the task at hand. So let's use a widely popular example. Let's say that your goal is to be a millionaire with no further explanations. This leads to too many alternate interpretations. There are too many holes in that statement. How many millions do you want to obtain? Why do you want to be a millionaire? What will you do to obtain this large sum of money? When is your deadline? How will you maintain your income once you become successful? Being a success story is a detail oriented task.