Specify #YourWhat

You have to know exactly what it is that you want. The more detailed you are the more real and attainable your vision becomes. Don't just say I want to own a house, say I want to own a brick house located in Northern New Jersey with at least three bedrooms. Even when trying to obtain financing, know how much money is needed down to the last cent, and also detail what the money will be used for. Just like creating a painting, the more detailed you are the clearer the vision becomes. When it comes to your vision and your goals do not create abstract art. Do not leave your vision open to the interpretation of others. Make sure you are clear in every facet of what it is that you are pursing and be guarded with allowing that vision to be altered.

When thinking about your what, your why, and your when, the one question that is irrelevant to this process is how. Your how may change 1,000,000 times; your how may not even be determined by you. As John Burroughs once said, "Leap and the net will appear." As long as you know what you want, why you want it, and you have given yourself a deadline, as you begin to plan and put your vision into work, the universe will open doors that you never thought possible. The 'how', most of the time will take care of itself. With that being said this does not absolve you from planning. Create a plan, map out a course for your vision, just allow that plan to be fluid, opportunity can rarely ever be planned out but it can be prepared for.