Chapter 7: #TheOthers

Although for the past few decades you have been hearing about how important it is for a person to be independent, the true way of living the human experience is becoming interdependent. Independence is the freedom from outside control or support while interdependence is the quality or condition of being mutually reliant on each other. The shift from independence to interdependence is starting to grow not only on an individual level but also on a global level. Rather than give you a lesson on liberalism and globalization, I am going to explain to you why interdependence should be important to you as an individual while pursuing your goals and ambitions.

An independent person sees the world around him through one lens and one lens only. It is like having tunnel vision. When you can only see what's directly in front of you, you will almost certainly miss the big picture. An independent person also tends to attempt to solve problems on his or her own. Assistance is the enemy of independence. While being independent sounds noble and may make you feel like you are coming from a position of strength, it may also stagger your growth and cause you to progress at a slower rate.

The way the world functions properly is through interdependence. Our whole ecosystem and way of breathing, eating and living is interdependence based. As independent as you might feel, you would not be here without two people coming together as one. You cannot breathe without the trees providing oxygen and they cannot live without our carbon dioxide. Our body is interdependence based and so is our mind. The smartest. most independent thinker in the world has still relied on information gathered by others before him. We need other positive people around us not only to support our ideas, but to give us criticism on our work, to create a balance between the world as we see it and the world as others around us see it.

Be an independent thinker and interdependent in your actions. Share your thoughts and welcome feedback. Remember that any business, team, or operation works better when everyone is on the same page and has the same common goal. "The thing that moves any organization is the creation of a soul," General George S. Patton. However, just as we had to search for our strengths and attributes, we must also identify correctly the attributes of others around us and use them accordingly.